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新刊情報 - K. Yagi, Austrian and German Economic Thought: From Subjectivism to Social Evolution, Routledge, 2011.

K. Yagi, Austrian and German Economic Thought: From Subjectivism to Social Evolution, Routledge, 2011.

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master 2011-04-05
Kiichiro Yagi, Austrian and German Economic Thought: From Subjectivism to Social Evolution, Routledge, 2011.

ISBN: 978-0-415-55404-6



1. General Introduction
2. Portrait of an Austrian Liberal: Max Menger's Liberal Position
3. Carl Menger as Journalist and Tutor of Crown Prince
4. Carl Menger's Grundsätze in the Making
5. Carl Menger and Historicism in German economics
6. Anonymous History in Austrian Economic Thought
7. Alternative Equilibrium Vision in Austrian Economics
8. Karl Knies, Max Weber, and Austrians: a Heidelberg connection
9.Determinateness and Indeterminateness in Schumpeter’s Economic Sociology: The origin of social evolution
10. Evolutionist Turn of the Marx-Weber Problem
