以下、経済思想研究会HPから引用 ******************** 2016年8月20日(土) 13:00?18:30 東北大学文科系総合講義棟第1章講義室 キャンパス地図(C-19番の建物)
13:00-13:45 Fact or Fiction: Parliamentary Reporting in Eighteenth Century England Speaker: Kazuharu Inoue, School of Law, Tohoku University Commentator: TBA Chair: TBA
13:50-15:20 The Moral Culture of the Scottish Enlightenment: 1690-1805 Speaker: Thomas Ahnert, School of History, Classics and Archaeology, University of Edinburgh Commentator: TBA Chair: TBA
15:20-15:50 休憩
15:50-16:40 Counter-Enlightenment in the Decline of Scotland's Intellectual Culture Speaker: Charles Bradford Bow, Underwood International College, Yonsei University Commentator: TBA Chair: TBA
16:45-17:30 David Hume's Theory of Fiction Speaker: Sho Okochi, Faculty of Arts and Letters, Tohoku University Commentator: TBA Chair: TBA
17:35-18:20 Humanity before reason: Sen's conception of "reasoned humanism" Speaker: Nao Saito, Faculty of Economics, Tohoku Gakuin University Commentator: Kenji Mori, Faculty of Economics, Tohoku University Chair: TBA
18:20-18:30 Closing Remarks Hiroyuki Shimodaira, Faculty of Literature and Social Sciences, Yamataga University
19:00- Conference dinner
本研究会は下記の研究助成を受けたものです。 JSPS科研費 15H03330 (研究代表者 下平裕之)、 JSPS科研費 15H03287 (研究代表者 井上和治)、 JSPS科研費 26380255 (研究代表者 古谷豊)。