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2015年 3月 22日(日)
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International Workshop 科研(基盤A)ケンブリッジ、オクスフォード、LSEの経済思想と現代福祉国家の変容 共催:頭脳循環を加速する戦略的国際研究ネットワーク推進プログラム
International Workshop


March 20-22, 2014
3rd Floor, Faculty Building 3, East Campus, Hitotsubashi University

Part I
"Welfare Economics and the Welfare State in Historical Perspective"

March 20th (Friday)

10:15 Opening

Chair: Anna Carabelli (Univ. of East Piemonte)

Antonnella Picchio (Univ. of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
"A surplus and well-being approach to Welfare: economics-ethics-politics in the social reproduction of women and men"

Comment: Satoko Nakano (Meiji Gakuin Univ.)

Francesco Chiesa (Univ. of Pavia)
“Redistribution and Recognition: Welfare State in a Time of Multiculturalism”

Comment: Minoru Takada (Konan Univ.)

12:30-13:40 Lunch

Chair: Cristina Marcuzzo (Univ. of Rome)

 Karen Knight (Univ. of Western Australia)
“Reconstructing Aspects of Pigou's Utilitarian Ethics”

Comment: Katia Caldari (Univ. of Padova)

Satoshi Yamazaki (Kochi Univ.)
“An Aspect of Welfare Economics in the Formative Age: Pigou and Eugenics”

  Comment: Roger Backhouse (Univ. of Birmingham)

15:45-16:00 Coffee

Chair: Antonella Picchio

Antoinette Baujard (Univ. of Jean Monnet)
“An epistemological reading of the history of welfare economics”

Comment: Nao Saito (Tohoku Gakuin Univ.)

Michael McLure (Univ. of Western Australia)
"Pareto's Body of Work and the Place of his Manual of Political Economy"

Comment: Masahiro Kawamata (Keio Univ.)

March 21th (Saturday)

Chair: Roger Backhouse

Quinn Slobadian (Wellesley College)
“World Federation against the Welfare State: Hayek and Röpke Think Global before 1945.”

Comment: Atsushi Komine (Ryukoku Univ.)

Tamotsu Nishizawa (Teikyo Univ.) and Yukihiro Ikeda (Keio Univ.)
“New Liberalism and Neoliberalism in Non-liberal Japan before 1980s”

Comment: Dieter Plehwe (Social Science Research Centre, Berlin)

12:00-13:00 Lunch

Chair: Michael McLure

Reiko Goto (Hitotsubashi Univ.)
“What Political Liberalism and the Welfare State Left Behind”

Comment: Anna Carabelli

Dieter Plehwe (Social Science Research Centre, Berlin)
"Neoliberal influence in non-liberalvarieties of capitalism? The cases of Germany and Japan"


15:05-15:10 Coffee

Chair: Jan Toporowski (SOAS, Univ. of London)

Anna Carabelli
“The Economic Problem of Happiness: Keynes on Happiness and Economics”

Comment: Kunitake Ito (Ryukoku Univ.)

Mauro Boianovsky (Univ. of Brasilia)
“Harrod on Welfare and Growth)”

Comment: Takayuki Nakamura (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)

Part II
11th International Keynes Conference: “Globalization and Financial Markets”


Session I

Chair: Toshiaki Hirai (Sophia Univ.)

William Garside (Waseda Univ.)
“Does Keynes Have a Message for Slow-growth Japan?” 

18:30-20:00 Reception Dinner at Mercury Tower

Session II

March 22nd (Sunday)

09:30 -12:30
Chair: Jiro Obata (Rissho Univ.)

Jan Toporowski
“Keynes, International Credit Money, and Exchange Rate Effectiveness”

Comment: Yasutoshi Noshita (Kokushikan Univ.)

Toshiaki Hirai
“Financial Globalization and the Instability of the World Economy”

Comment: Elenora Sanfilippo ( Univ. of Cassino)

Cristina Marcuzzo
“Financialization of Commodities in Perspective. A viewpoint from Keynes’s investments”

Comment: Nobuhiro Ito (Takasaki City Univ. of Economics)

12:30-14:15 Lunch

Chair: Jan Kregel (Levy Economics Institute of Bard College)

Elenora Sanfilippo
“Investing in Commodities: Keynes’s Approach to Speculation”

Comment: Asahi Noguchi (Senshu Univ.)

Jan Kregel
“Keynes, Minsky and International Financial Fragility”

Comment: Yoshio Watanabe (Meiji Univ.)

Round Table: On Fighting Market Failure Translated

Chair: Toshiaki Hirai

Author: Cristina Marcuzzo

Translators: Ryuzo Kuroki (Rikkyo Univ.)
Yoshihiko Hakamata (Chuo Univ.)
Nobuhiro Ito

幹事: 西沢 保 (帝京大学経済学部)

奮ってご参加ください。21日のレセプションに参加を希望される方は、 3月 15日までに下記の両アドレスにご一報ください。

nisizawa [at mark] ier.hit-u.ac.jp, mkano [at mark] ier.hit-u.ac.jp


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