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2013年 3月 16日(土)
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日時  2013年3月16日(土) 13:30〜18:00
場所  横浜、ランドマークタワー 1809号室

The British Idealism, Human Rights and the Sphere of Well-being
(The second Workshop of Utilitarianism and the Idea of Happiness)

March 16, 2013
13:30 - 18:00

at the Satellite of Yokohama National University
Room 1809: the Land Mark Tower in harbour area of Yokohama


13:30 - 13:40
Opening remarks
Yasunori Fukagai (YNU)

Part I
Reading British Idealism: A Guide for the Perplexed
by David Boucher and Andrew Vincent(Continuum, 2012)
Chair: Yasunori Fukagai (YNU)

The Content of the British Idealism in UK and in Japan Compared
Junichi Kasuga (LEC Graduate School of Accountancy)

Green’s Legacy: A Political and Philosophical Radical
Andrew Vincent (Sheffield University)

British Idealism and State Intervention: Liberalism versus Socialism
David Boucher (Cardiff University)

Reading British Idealism by D. Boucher & A. Vincent
Naoki Yajima (International Christian University)

Reply and discussion

Part II
Human Rights and the Sphere of Well-being Considered
Chair: Junichi Himeno (Nagasaki University)

Prelude: Knitting human well-being under the transit of ‘modernity’
Yasunori Fukagai (YNU)

State Should culture be part of human rights?
Andrew Vincent (Sheffield University)

“The Principles of Colonisation: property, settlement and colonialism”
David Boucher (Cardiff University)

Ken Kato (Gunma National College of Technology)
Hanno Terao (Cardiff University)


17:50 - 18:00
Closing remarks
Junichi Himeno (Nagasaki University)


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