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2013年 3月 14日(木)
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International Workshop of the New Liberalism: Reconsidered in Nagasaki PARTII
参加希望の方は姫野 himeno [at mark] nagasaki-u.ac.jp までご連絡ください。

なおDavid Boucher教授の報告原稿
Collingwood and European Liberalism
およびAndrew Vincent教授の報告原稿
The Character of the New liberalism

International Workshop of the New Liberalism:

Reconsidered in Nagasaki PARTII

Date: 14 of March, 2013

Meeting Room in the Faculty of Environmental Studies Nagasaki University

Moderator: Junichi Himeno Nagasaki University

13:00-13:30  Junichi Himeno (Nagasaki University)

The meaning of research program on the diversity of new Liberalism

13:30-14:15 David Boucher (Cardiff University)

Collingwood and European Liberalism

14:15~14:25 Taku Eriguchi (Seinan Gakuin University)

Comment to the Boucher’s paper

14:25~50 Discussion

14:50~15:10 Coffee Break


Andrew Vincent (Cardiff University)

The Character of New liberalism

15:55~16:05 Gentaro Seki (Kyushu University)

Comment to the Vincent’s paper

16:05~17:15 Response & Discussion

Yasunori Fukagai ( Yokohama National University)

Response from the View of Japan

17:15~17:30 Concluding Remarks

18:00~20:00 Dinner


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