国際ワークショップ "The Limits to Capitalism: Economics and Liberalism Re-examined"
International Workshop: "The Limits to Capitalism: Economics and Liberalism Re-examined"
Date: March 13th-14th (Sunday-Monday), 2011 Venue: Mercury Tower, Hitotsubashi University
March 13th (Sunday)
10:40 Opening 10:45 Roger Backhouse (Univ. of Birmingham) "James Meade, Liberalism and Welfare Economics" Comment: Yuichi Shionoya (Hitotsubashi Univ.)
12:30-13:40 Lunch
13:45-16:15 Keith Tribe (Univ. of Sussex) "Welfare Economics in the Shadow of New Liberalism“ Comment: Satoko Nakano (Meiji Gakuin Univ.), Satoshi Yamazaki (Kouchi Univ.) Tamotsu Nishizawa (Hitotsubashi Univ.) "Alfred Marshall on Progress and Welfare: from Welfare State to Welfare Society" Comment: Katia Caldari (Univ. of Padova)
16:15-16:20 Coffee 16:25-18:00 Daisuke Nakai (Kinki Univ.) “Sidgwick and the Utilitarian Economic Thought” Comment: Roger Backhouse Bradley Bateman (Denison Univ.) General Comment
March 14th (Monday) 10:30 Ben Jackson (Univ. of Oxford) “The Think Tank Archipelago: Thatcherism and Neo-Liberalism” Comment: Atsushi Komine (Ryukoku Univ.)
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Harald Hageman (Univ. of Hohenheim) “Germany after WWII: Ordo-liberalism, the Social Market Economy, and Keynesianism” Comment: Yukihiro Ikeda (Keio Univ.), Chikako Nakayama (Tokyo Univ. of Foreign Studies) Francesco Cattabrini (Univ. of Rome) “Wage, Inflation and Unemployment: the Shifting Paradigm of Italian Growth in the 1970s” Comment: Atsuhsi Naito (Otsuki City College), Masanobu Sato (Daito Bunka Univ.)
15:30-15:45 15:45-17:45 Fabio Masini (Univ. of Rome) "Designing the Institutions of International Liberalism: the Interwar Period" Comment: Midori Wakamori (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.) Makoto Nishibe (Hokkaido Univ.) The Trend of Economic Thinking of Market and Money and its Error: What is the Hayek’s Position on the Issues?" Comment: Harald Hageman
17:45-18:00 Bradley Bateman: General comment
18:30 Dinner party