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2011年 12月 1日(木)
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Workshop: Political Intellectuals in Post World War Japan
Workshop of the Political Intellectuals in Post World War Japan

Thursday, December 1st, 2011
14:00 - 17:00

Yokohama National University
International Graduate School of Social Sciences
Room 203

Professor Laura Hein (Northwestern University / University of Tokyo)
Cosmopolitan Local Political Culture in Postwar Japan

Professor Elliot Brownlee (University of California-Santa Barbara / YNU)
Carl Shoup as a Transnational Intellectual: His Japan Years

Professor Yasunori Fukagai (YNU)
From Strain to Birth of the Modernity: Re-reading Leviathan in War
Period America and in Postwar Japan

This is a joint programme of
the Scientific Research project of the Organic View of the Society
the Shoup Project of Yokohama National University

Yasunori Fukagai
Yokohama National University, Faculty of Economics


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