International Conference on Producction and Distribution
生産と分配に関する国際会議 スラッファ『商品による商品の生産』出版50周年記念 http://www.kisc.meiji.ac.jp/~confyagi/top.html 日時:2010年9月4日(土)9:00-6日(月) 場所:明治大学駿河台校舎東京都千代田区神田駿河台1?1 会場: アカデミーコモン9階 (明治大学博物館のあるガラス張りの建物) Welcome Party 9月4日18:05-19:50 (明治大学・大学会館3階)会費5000円 Farewell Party 9月6日 17:50-19:50 (明治大学リバティタワー23階)会費5000円 実施責任者・問合せ先 八木尚志(明治大学政治経済学部) 〒101-8301 東京都千代田区神田駿河台1-1 TEL:03-3296-2089 FAX:03-3296-2350 E.mail:yagi8 [at mark] kisc.meiji.ac.jp 主催:ポスト・ケインズ派経済学研究会 リカードウ研究会 後援:明治大学政治経済学部 明治大学国際連携本部 協力:環太平洋産業連関分析学会(PAPAIOS) *科研費のプロジェクト「金融政策の制度設計についての研究」 (研究代表・渡辺和則・二松学舎大学)、 「リカードウが経済学に与えた影響とその現代的意義の総合的研究」 (研究代表・出雲雅志・神奈川大学) により企画されたセッションを設けています。 **プログラム** September 4 (Saturday) Session A 9:20-11:30 Room 309B 1) Analysing the total transport content of commodities Josef Richter (University of Innsbruck, Austria) 2) The U.S. Benchmark IO Table: History, Myths and Methodology Douglas Meade (NFORUM, University of Maryland, U.S.A.) 3) Construction and Results of Analyses based on NAMEA for Poland Mariusz Plich,(Department of Theory and Analyses of Economic Systems, University of****, Poland) Session B 9:20-11:30 Room 309H 1)Fixed Capital and the Determination of Economic Durability LI Bangxi (Ph.D Candidate, Graduate School of Economics, Waseda University) 2)An Equilibrium Analysis under Cobb-Douglas Production and Utility Functions LI WU (School of Economics, Shanghai University, China) 3) Overlapping Leontief Maurizio Grassini (Dipartimento di Studi sullo Stato, University of Florence, Italy) Lunch 11:30-13:00 Session C 13:00-14:25 Room 309B 1) The Multi-Sector Analysis of Pure Quantity Adjustment Process: Input Structure, Buffer Inventories, and Sales Forecast by Averaging Masashi Morioka (Faculty of International Relations, Ritsumeikan University, Japan) 2) An Unbalanced Multi-industry Growth Model with Constant Returns: A Turnpike Approach” Harutaka Takahashi (Meiji Gakuin University, Japan) Coffee Break 14:25-14:40 Room 309D Session D 14:40-16:05 Room 309B 1) How Can Keynes' Theory of Interest Withstand Sraffa's Criticism? Tosihiro Oka (Faculty of Economics, Fukui Prefectural University, Japan) 2) Keynesian Paradigm and Financial Disasiter Ryuzo Kuroki (RikkyoUniversity, Japan) Coffee Break 16:05-16:20 Room 309D Session E 16:20-17:50 Room 309B 1) Sraffa’s Given Quantities of Output and Keynes’s Principle of Effective Demand Man-Seop Park (Korea University) 2) Monetary Stabilization Policy by Means of Taylor Rule in a Dynamic Keynesian Model with Capital Accumulation Toichiro Asada (Chuo University, Japan) Welcome Party 18:00-19:50 at University Hall (3rd floor) September 5 (Sunday) Session F 9:20-11:30 Room 309B 1) Factor Decomposition of Sectoral Growth in South Africa, 1970-2007 Fiona Tregenna (Department of Economics and Econometrics, University of Johannesburg) 2) Model Structure and Economic Forecasting in China Li Shantong (Development Research Centre, the State Council, China) 3) Model Structure and Economic Forecasting in Russia Alexander Shirov (Institute for Economic Forecasting, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) Session G 9:20-11:30 Room 309G 1) Financing Constraints and Liquidity: An Empirical Investigation of Firms in Japan Ilfan Oh (New School for Social Research, PhD Candidate) 2) Inflation targeting, income distribution, and financialization Atsushi Naito (Ohtsuki City College, Japan) 3) The relationship between financial efficiency and Macroeconomic Equilibrium, and the Distribution of Income: A perspective based on the Sraffa ?Hayek contriversy and Pasinetti framework Kazuhiro Kurose (Tohoku University, Japan) Lunch : 11:30-13:10 Session H 13:10-14:35 Room 309B 1) Sraffa’s System and Productivity Measurements Takashi Yagi (Meiji University) 2) Calculating wage-profit frontiers and supporting prices in Leontief-Sraffa models Albert Steenge (University of Groningen, Netherlands) Coffee Break 14:35-14:50 Room 309D Session I 14:50-16:15 Room 309B 1)Cumulative Causation and Structural Change: A Growth Model on Kaldor and Pasinetti’s Lines Hiroyuki Uni (Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan)
2) A Characteristic approach to technology and technological change Antonio D’agata (University of Catania) Keinji Mori (Tohoku University)
Coffee Break 16:15-16:30 Room 309D Session J 16:30-18:00 Room 309B 1) Renewable Resources in a Long-Term Perspective: The Corn-Tuna Model Guido Erreygers (Department of Economics, University of Antwerp) 2) Besicovitch, Sraffa, and the existence of the Standard commodity Neri Salvadori (University of Pisa) September 6 (Monday) Session K 9:20-11:30 Room 309B 1) A Remark on Intensive Differential Rent and the Labour Theory of Value in Ricardo Saverio M. Fratini (University of Rome 3) 2) Demand-Led Growth Theory: An Historical Approach Matthew Smith (University of Sydney) 3) A Reinterpretation of 'Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities' Ajit Sinha (Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research) Session L 9:20-11:30 Room 309G 1) Quantity Adjustment Process and Production Network. Naoto Yagi (Lecturer(pat-time), Toyo University etc.) 2) Securitization of Loan Assets and the Macroeconomy Masao Ishikura (Hitotsubashi University) 3) Models of Competition Between Firms: Re-Considering Kaleckian Model Takashi Ohno (Ritsumeikan University) Lunch 11:30-13:00 Invited Lecture 13:00-13:55 Room 309B "Reviving the Standpoint of the Old Classical Economists: Piero Sraffa’s Contribution to Political Economy" Heinz D. Kurz (University of Graz) Coffee Break 13:55-14:10 Room 309D Session M 14:10-15:40 Room 309B 1) A General Theory of Rent Christian Bidard (University of Paris X) 2) On the Making of Ricardo’s economics and the invariable measure of value Katsuyoshi Watarai (Waseda University) Coffee Break 15:40-16:00 Room 309D Invited Lecture 16:00-17:00 Room 309B Pierangelo Garegnani (University of Rome 3) Farewell Party 17:50-19:50 at Liberty Tower (23th floor)