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2010年 3月 14日(日)
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科学研究費(基盤A)「ケンブリッジ、LSEの経済思想と福祉国家の基礎理論」による国際ワークショップを開催いたします。今回は、経済思想史・政策思想史の観点から New Liberalism to Neo-liberalism に焦点を当て、以下のような報告を予定しています。準備が遅れていますが、近日中にプログラム等詳細をお届けいたします。奮ってご参加くださいますよう、ご案内いたします。

Roger Backhouse (Univ. of Birmingham), "Economists and the rise of neo-liberalism"
George Peden (Univ. of Stirling), "Economists and the British welfare state from New Liberalism to the New Right"
Neil Rollings (Univ. of Glasgow), "Neo-liberalism - from ideas to
policy: some preliminary thoughts with particular reference to post-war Britain"
Fabio Masini (Univ. of Rome), “Designing the rules for international liberalism: Einaudi, Robbins and Hayek, 1919-1947”
Juro Teranishi (Nihon Univ.), “Neo-liberalism and Market-Disciplining Policy in Koizumi Reform; Were We Really Development-Oriented ?”

Bradley Bateman (Denison Univ.), "Reflections on the non-utilitarian basis of Keynes's economics"
Steven Medema (Univ. of Colorado Denver), "The Coase Theorem in the Textbooks: The Case of Intermediate Microeconomics.”
Satoshi Yamazaki (Kouchi Univ.), "Pigou's Ethics and Welfare"
Atsushi Komine (Ryukoku Univ.), "Frederick Lavington on Entrepreneurship: Theory, Reality and Normative Behaviour"


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