


前月 昨日
2018年 3月 8日(木)
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Kyoto Conference on Classical Political Economy
古典派経済学国際会議「Kyoto Conference on Classical Political Economy」が2018年3月7日(水)・8日(木)に同志社大学で以下のように開催されます。


Provisional Programme(プログラム)

March 7, 2018 (Wednesday)

09:55-10:00 Opening Remarks: Taichi Tabuchi (Doshisha University, Kyoto)
10:00-11:00 Malthus
Nobuhiko Nakazawa (Kansai University, Osaka) 'On the Development of Malthus's Reformist Ideas'
Discussant: Taro Hisamatsu (Doshisha University, Kyoto)
Chair: Masashi Izumo (Kanagawa University, Yokohama)
11:10-12:10 Supply and Demand
Tony Aspromourgos (Sydney University, Australia) 'What is Supply-and-Demand? Rationalizing the Marshallian Cross, 1838-1890'
Discussant: Masashi Kondo (Osaka Prefecture University, Osaka)
Chair: Shigeki Tomo (Independent Scholar, Kyoto)
12:10-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 James Mill and John Stuart Mill: Reconsidered (1)
Victor Bianchini (Centre Universitaire de Mayotte, France) 'James and John Stuart Mill on the Felicific Calculus: Two Close Views? '
Discussant: Daisuke Nakai (Kinki University, Osaka)
Chair: Akira Nagamine (Meiji University, Tokyo)
15:00-15:30 Coffee and Tea
15:30-16:30 James Mill and John Stuart Mill: Reconsidered (2)
Yoshifumi Ozawa (Kyushu Sangyo University, Fukuoka) 'John Stuart Mill on Britain's dependencies'
Discussant: Masatomi Fujimoto (Osaka Gakuin University, Osaka)
Chair: Hiroaki Itai (Ochanomizu University, Tokyo)
16:40-17:40 James Mill and John Stuart Mill: Reconsidered (3)
Philippe Gillig (Université de Strasbourg, France) 'Does John Stuart Mill's international trade theory proves the superiority of laissez-faire?'
Discussant: Taichi Tabuchi (Doshisha University, Kyoto)
Chair: Shigeyoshi Senga (Yokohama City University, Yokohama)
18:20-20:20 Dinner

March 8, 2018 (Thursday)

10:00-11:00 Classical Political Economy and Education (1)
Satoshi Fujimura (Hokkaido University, Sapporo) 'The Educational Thought of N.W. Senior'
Discussant: Shin Kubo (Kwansei Gakuin University, Nishinomiya)
Chair: Masatomi Fujimoto (Osaka Gakuin University, Osaka)
11:10-12:10 Classical Political Economy and Education (2)
Renee Prendergast (Queens University Belfast, UK) 'Classical Economists on the Role of Education'
Discussant: Takashi Yagi (Meiji University, Tokyo)
Chair: Masashi Izumo (Kanagawa University, Yokohama)
12:10-14:00 Lunch
14:00-15:00 James Mill and John Stuart Mill: Reconsidered (4)
Akihito Matsumoto (Tokushima Bunri University, Tokushima) 'James Mill on Joseph Priestley and Thomas Reid'
Discussant: Tadahiro Yamao (Keio University, Tokyo)
Chair: Taro Hisamatsu (Doshisha University, Kyoto)
15:00-15:30 Coffee and Tea
15:30-16:30 Adam Smith (1)
Maria Pia Paganelli (Trinity University, US) 'Adam Smith on the Future of Experimental Evolution and Economics'
Discussant: Shigeki Tomo (Independent Scholar, Kyoto)
Chair: Shigemasa Sato (Onomichi University, Onomichi)
16:40-17:40 Adam Smith (2)
Shinji Nohara (University of Tokyo, Tokyo) 'Adam Smith on Markets'
Discussant:Jou Ishii (Kanto Gakuin University, Yokohama)
Chair:Ken Mizuta (Independent Scholar, Tokyo)
17:40-17:45 Closing Remarks: Shigeyoshi Senga (Yokohama City University, Yokohama)
18:20-20:20 Dinner

1) Power Point facilities available.
2) Time allocation:25 minutes for presentation, 15 minutes for comment and reply, 20 minutes for general discussion.
3) This Conference is organized by the research project of the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) (No. 17H00982) of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.
4) The above schedule and places are subject to change.

◆ペーパーは下記のサイトに掲載される予定です。 すでに一部掲載されています。


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