日時:3月7日(月) 10:25-17:30 場所:早稲田大学西早稲田校舎、3号館第3会議室(2階) テーマ:コンファレンス「経済思想史における人口・貧困・福祉:国際比較」Conference'Population, Poverty and Welfare in the History of Economic Thought: an International Comparison
プログラム: 10:25-10:30 Opening 10:30-11:30 M.Quinn(ロンドン大学),'Subsistence and Security versus Enjoyment: Poverty and Population in the Political Economy of Jeremy Bentham' 11:30-3:00 Lunch 13:00-14:00 小峯 敦(龍谷大学),'Beveridge on a Wefare Society:State, Market and Community' 14:00-15:00 C.Sunna(サレント大学、イタリア),'Economic Tought on Population in Italy: From Illuminist Reformers to the Late XIX Century Dbate on Malthusian Theory' 15:00-15:20 Coffee break 15:20-16:20 渡会勝義(早稲田大学),'Economin Thought for Escape from Mass Poverty with an example from Edo Japan' 15:20-17:20 T.Pierenkemper(ケルン大学、ドイツ),'Poverty and Pauperism in Germany, 1800-1850' 17:20-17:30 Concluding remarks 18:00-20:30 Dinner party at a restaurant nearby