

YSS2018 (Young Scholars Seminar 2018) programme (2018/05/07)
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Main theme: History of Economic Thought for New Generation
Time and Date : 1st, June, 2018 (Fri) 16:00 - 20:00 (venue is open from 15:30 to 20:30)
Venue :University of Tokyo, Hongo Campus, Economics Research Annex (Kojima Hall), 2F
(No.40 building of https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/content/400020145.pdf)

YSS2018 aims to provide an opportunity for relatively young scholars from Japan and overseas to exchange their current research ideas in more casual terms than the annual conference. So, we would like five speakers to talk about their research in the seminar, explaining their motivation, the relevant literature they wish to contribute to, and their supposed readership, in more detail. This would help attendees to know what is going on worldwide about the history of economics and/or the philosophy and methodology of economics. Each session has 15 minutes for presentation and 15 minutes for discussion.

16:00-16:30 Ice Breaking: self-introduction

16:30-17:00 Session 1 : Chiu-Ping Wang ( National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan)    
Market efficiency and information dissemination in financial crisis
Commentator: Yasuhito Imaike ( Osaka Prefectural University )  

17:00-17:30 Session 2 : Keita Tanaka(Shobi Gakuen University)
Rationality and Irrationality in Lionel Robbins's Essay: His Economics and human behaviour
Commentator: Koichi Nagao ( Hitotsubashi University ) 

17:30-18:00 Session 3 : Jean-Daniel Boyer (University of Strasbourg)
On the origins of Quesnay's Tableau Economique: Cantillon, Mirabeau and the science of commerce
Commentator: Naoyuki Wakamatsu (Kobe University)

18:00-19:00 Dinner and Wine: Japanese BENTO Style

19:00-19:30 Session 4 : Sayaka Oki (Nagoya University)   
Science, politics and money: the treasurer committee of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris in the 18th century
Commentator: Eiko Yamamoto ( Waseda University ) 

19:30-20:00 Session 5:Magdalena Malecka (University of Helsinki) 
     Economics imperialism - review of the discussion in philosophy of economics and philosophy of science
Commentator: Kensho Suo (Osaka University)

Participation form: Please fill in the “YSS2018 participation form” below until 20th, May 2018.
Meal: We serve ordinary Japanese BENTO boxes for all of the participants. They are free. You can choose Vegetarian and Vegan menu from “YSS 2018 participation form” above.
Wine: We would appreciate that if each participant could kindly pay 500JPY for wine and other beverage, as we can’t afford them from our official research grants from Japanese Governments.

YSS2018 committee Hiroyuki SHIMODAIRA (Yamagata University) shimo[at]human.kj.yamagata-u.ac.jp
Taku ERIGUCHI (Seinan Gakuin University) eriguchi[at]mtj.biglobe.ne.jp
