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The 81st Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought (JSHET) will be held on Saturday 3 and Sunday 4, June 2017 at Tokushima Bunri University, Shikoku. It takes approximately 70 minutes from Tokyo to Tokushima by air.

The organising committee invites proposals for individual papers (in English or in Japanese) on all aspects of the history of economic thought.

Submissions should be sent to:

Each applicant is invited to send an abstract of about 600 words in English (or 2,000 letters in Japanese) for a paper as an attached document (PDF or WORD format) to an e-mail, containing the title of the paper, his/her name, affiliation, postal and electronic addresses.

The deadline for submission is Thursday 10 November 2016.

A complete list of accepted presentations and a provisional programme will be available by the end of December 2016. An outline (up to 2,000 words in English) of the paper should be submitted by 5 March 2017. Failing to submit it by that deadline, your application will be automatically cancelled. The compiled outlines will be printed and mailed to all JSHET members one month before the conference. You can also ask the committee that your full paper should be downloaded from its website. Otherwise, you can distribute your paper or handouts to the conference on the day of your presentation.

The fee for non-members of JSHET to present a paper at the conference is 6,000 JPY.

For additional information, please send your queries to the following email address.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you next year in Japan.

Local Committee
Hiroyuki FURUYA (Tokushima Bunri University)

Programme Committee
Atsushi KOMINE (Ryukoku University)
