
場所:明治大学研究棟4階 第3会議室

報告者:Tom Warke(Cambridge)
題 名:「A Reconstruction of Classical Utilitarianism」
討論者:川俣 雅弘(法政大学)
司会者:深貝 保則(東京都立大学)

場所:明治大学研究棟4階 第10会議室

特集 ケインズとゲゼルの貨幣理論

(1)報告者:相田 慎一(専修大学北海道短大)
題 名:「セルジオ・ゲゼルの貨幣=利子理論」
討論者:片岡 浩二(横浜国立大学)
司会者:八田 幸二(東京都立大学)

(2)報告者:内藤 敦之(一橋大学大学院)
題 名:「ケインズにおける貨幣――計算貨幣と内生・外生説――」
討論者:田中 秀臣(上武大学)
司会者:八田 幸二(東京都立大学)

場所:明治大学研究棟4階 第3会議室

(1)報告者:石井 穣(一橋大学大学院)
題 名:「バートンにおける資本蓄積と賃金」
討論者:益永 淳(東洋大学非常勤)
司会者:渡会 勝義(早稲田大学)

(2)報告者:佐藤 有史(富山国際大学)
題 名:「マルサスの貨幣理論」
討論者:水田 健(東日本国際大学・予定)
司会者:長峰 章(明治大学)


(1)報告者:John Vint(Manchester Metropolitan University)
題 名:「Labour Market Imperfections and the Case for Trades Unions: the Contributions of Fawcett and Mill」

 Popularizers of Classical political economy such as Harriet Martineau, and others, often used the wages fund doctrine to argue against the role of the trade unions, on the grounds that attempts by trades unions to raise the wage rate above equilibrium would only succeed at the expense of leaving part of their number unemployed. I have argued elsewhere that most of the major Classical economists did not use the wages fund doctrine in this way, employing it instead for other analytical purposes. An important exception was J S Mill who included such a statement on union activity and unemployment in every edition of the Principles of Political Economy including the edition of 1871, even though he recanted from this view in 1869.
 The recantation was the culmination of a debate concerning wage theory and the wages fund doctrine involving contributions from Fawcett, Dunning, Longe, Thornton and Mill himself. Biagini (1987) has argued that in proposing a bargaining role for trades unions Fawcett and Mill 'made the decisive steps towards the inclusion of trade unions within the precincts of full economic orthodoxy, as a necessary component of a free working labour market' and 'demolished the traditional image of a labour market as a self-acting machine' (1987, p815). Biagini argues that this 'new view' was widely disseminated in the 1860s and that trades unionists used 'these favourable conclusions of economic science' to defend their actions.
 The purpose of this article is to trace the line of argument within Classical thinking which gave a legitimate bargaining role to trades unions and to assess its implications for the Classical approach to the labour market and Mill's recantation. I will argue that this 'new view', as Biagini calls it (1987, p815), was not new at all but was a further development of the bargaining approach to the labour market within Classical economics which not only owed its origins to Adam Smith, as Biagini points out, but was put forward by McCulloch in 1824. Secondly, this line of argument was complementary to the Classical competitive labour market (wages fund ) analysis, and not separate from it as Biagini implies, and it specified a unambiguous and important role for trades unions and more importantly strike action as part of the market mechanism in those cases where labour market imperfections were present and wages were stuck below equilibrium. Thirdly, Mill's recantation was not a simple extension of this bargaining approach but represented a real break from both it and the wages fund doctrine and moreover was based on serious doubts raised by Mill concerning the harmony of interests between capitalists and workers for so long taken as an underlying premise of the Classical approach.

討論者:佐藤 有史(富山国際大学)
司会者:長峰 章(明治大学)

(2)報告者:Syed Ahmad 氏(McMaster University, Canada and Yokohama National University, Japan)
題 名:「Free Trade and Economic Development: A Perspective on History and Theory」
討論者:若田部 昌澄(早稲田大学)
司会者:小峯  敦 (新潟産業大学)