

新刊情報 - 201309のエントリ

清水修二・松岡尚敏・下平裕之編『東北発 震災復興学入門:巨大災害と向き合う、あなたへ』山形大学出版会、2013年9月。

価格 800円 + 税
ISBN 978‐4‐903966‐17‐5
仕様 A5判 並製本 244頁 C0030
発行年 2013年9月1日 初版

Susumu Egashira (ed.) Globalism and Regional Economy, Routledge, 2013.

Series: Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy
Hardback: £105.00
12th September 2013
270 pages

Preface, Susumu Egashira 1. Regional Policy in a Globalized Economy, Gunther Maier and Michaela Trippl Part 1: Free Trade Area in Asia 2. The Effect of Intermediate and Final Goods Trade on Labor Demands in Japanese firms, Sachiko Kazekami and Masahiro Endoh 3. The Characteristics and Perspective of FTAs in China, Yuhong Sun 4. The Effect of Regional Trade Agreements on Technology Spillovers through International Trade, Naoto Jinji, Xingyuan Zhang and Shoji Haruna 5. Currency Cooperation between ASEAN Countries and China, Japan and Korea, Chan-Guk Huh Part 2: Tourism 6. Events and Networking in Tourism Marketing Destinations, Juergen Gnoth, Luisa Andreu and Rafael Curras-Perez 7. The Status of E-Tourism in Hokkaido and Austria, Alfred Taudes and Akiko Tanaka 8. Analysis of the Traffic Lines of Tourists that Visited Kamikawa District in Hokkaido based on Data from the Kamui Mintara Stamp Rally, Nozomi Kichiji 9. Analysis Concerning Person's Perception of the Farm Village Landscape, Tomochika Toguchi Part 3: Medical Management 10. Quality Initiatives in Healthcare, Tomonori Hasegawa 11. Analysis of Hospital Function for Neuronal and Circulatory Diseases in Secondary Medical Service Area in Hokkaido, Katsuhiko Ogasawara, Ryoya Asaoka, Yuji Sase, Tomoki Ishikawa and Kenji Fujimori 12. Japan Global Marketing Strategy of One of the World's Leaders in Printing Technology "Heidelberger Druckmaschinen", Ralf T. Kreutzer Part 4: Marketing Strategy 13. Competitive Strategy of Small Manufacturing Firms, Kenichi Tamai

