Roger E. Backhouse, Bradley W. Bateman, Tamotsu Nishizawa, and Dieter Plehwe (eds.)
Liberalism and the Welfare State: Economists and Arguments for the Welfare State
Oxford University Press, July, 2017
Roger E. Backhouse, Bradley W. Bateman, Tamotsu Nishizawa, and Dieter Plehwe
I Varieties of Liberalism and the Early Welfare State: United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan
1 Liberalism and the Welfare State in Britain, 1890?1945
Roger E. Backhouse, Bradley W. Bateman, and Tamotsu Nishizawa
2 Liberal Economists and the British Welfare State
George Peden
3 Ordoliberalism, the Social-Market Economy, and Keynesianism in Germany, 1945?1974
Harald Hagemann
4 From New Liberalism to Neoliberalism
Tamotsu Nishizawa and Yukihiro Ikeda
II Neoliberalism and the Changing Understanding of the Welfare State
5 Between Business and Academia in Postwar Britain
Neil Rollings
6 Neoliberalism, New Labour, and the Welfare State
Matt Beech
7 The Initiative for a New Social-Market Economy and the Transformation of the German Welfare Regime after Unification
Daniel Kinderman
8 Neoliberalism and Market-Disciplining Policy in the Koizumi Reform in Japan
Juro Teranishi
III Varieties of Neoliberalism: International Dimensions
9 National versus Supranational Collective Goods
Fabio Masini
10 Neoliberal Think Tanks and the Crisis
Dieter Plehwe
Roger E. Backhouse, Bradley W. Bateman, Tamotsu Nishizawa, and Dieter Plehwe