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新刊情報 - T. Negishi, Developments of International Trade Theory, Second Enhanced Edition, Springer, 2014.

T. Negishi, Developments of International Trade Theory, Second Enhanced Edition, Springer, 2014.

カテゴリ : 
執筆 : 
master 2014-02-22
Takashi Negishi, Developments of International Trade Theory, Second Enhanced Edition, Springer, 2014.

ISBN: 978-4-431-54432-6

Part I Historical Progress of International Trade Theory
1 Mercantilism
2 Specie-Flow Mechanism
3 Adam Smith and Division of Labor
4 Ricardo and Comparative Costs
5 J. S. Mill and Reciprocal Demand
6 Mill and Infant Industry
7 Marx and International Exploitation
8 Marshall and Offer Curve

Part II Modern Theory and Recent Developments
of International Trade
9 Theory of Production
10 Heckscher?Ohlin Theory (1)
11 Heckscher?Ohlin Theory (2)
12 Leontief Paradox
13 Domestic Distortions
14 Export Promotion and Welfare
15 Oligopoly
16 Immiserizing Growth
17 External Economies

Part III Historical Appendix
18 Adam Smith and Disequilibrium Economic Theory
19 Complete Specialization in Classical Economics

